US has another drama unfolding after weeks of corona virus laden headlines.
Just a few days earlier I started to re-read of The Republic by Plato. After swimming through the first book in which Socrates jostles with Thrasymachus about justice and injustice, I glided to the book 2 where the discussion turns to digging deeper into the definition of just and unjust. Socrates manages to prove how a just person overwhelmingly scores over an unjust one.
Adeimantus and Glaucon are unconvinced and implore Socrates to clear their doubts. Soon enough in his inquiry , Socrates reaches a point where he explores the nature of the guardians of the state. He believes that guardians must be gentle but spirited. Gentle to friends and spirited against the adversaries. Gentle to known; fierce to unknown.
Socrates knows the desired traits of a perfect guardian but even he is unaware how to find such guardians.
A tiger is most spirited, but he might devour those it guards. A herbivore maybe gentle to the guarded but will be overcome by predators. Ultimately, they all agree that dog is such an animal who knows the difference between known and unknown and therefore, the difference between friend and enemy and is perfect to be the guardian. But how to find and train such guardians?
This question is now is hurting the United States.
Debates over lock-downs are conspicuous by their absence.
Such draconian measures have never been employed in the history, yet one country after another followed by imposing lock-downs. Except for few, no one debated. Wait here, debate with whom? Every doctor and agency were unanimous in endorsing lock-down.
That's ironical.
As the world gathers more and more data, it wold be interesting how the lock-downs are lifted across the world.
Years from now , when dust from the virus is settled, the only question to ask would be : Was it all necessary?