This is a series of posts that will turn up every few days - my views on what I absorb from the social media and my surroundings.
Times of pandemic. All juice of the life is sucked away. Left are the leftovers. Passing days are like drinking cold tea. Or worse, sometimes, tea left in the cup and gone cold.
No one has a solution in mind. But everyone knows life cannot begin without a vaccine to corona virus. Does it exist? Yes , as we are told. And we believe it. It is in the news, on the internet, and on YouTube. I can't see it but then I believe in many things that I haven't seen. Jupiter for example, or Japan. So do they exist? I have not been to Japan but it exists.
The virus too, must be existing, because doctors have said it. Is it as dangerous as the authorities are telling us? It must be. We don't have a choice but to believe.
There are conspiracy theories about virus's nonexistence. As the virus proves toothless by the passing day, they seem credible.
Many doctors are coming forward with claims about how masks are suffocating humans, becoming an island of microbes and bacteria, forcing us to breathe carbon dioxide,reducing our immunity further, and that there is a diabolical cover up to decades of botched up vaccination drive, especially in the US.
What do most people do in lock down? Most jobs have disappeared. Except for those who sell words and reports - nobody reads a report by the way - everyone is having an extended leave without pay. A school teacher can teach online - if it means anything - but a cleaner can't mop floors. A software maker can continue playing with his laptop but a cab driver can't. You can't teach piano or swimming, you can't sell clothing or shoes, and certainly cannot sell holidays. Think for minute the plight of people in such trades.
Prime Minister Modi in India has become the God. He appears when he wishes to, and speaks when he wishes to, acts too when he wishes to. When human lives go from bad to worse, God can't help them. God only lays out plan. Divine plan. Modi too. Just like God's plans, his plans too, rarely work. Bhakt's believe in God, so do they in Modi. God is woken up by bells, so too Modi. God is attracted by light, so does Modi. Does God like "Do not disturb" sign? Maybe.